劼__x:最后一集有点笑失望 IB怎么也不像大boss
铛铛铛:每一样都做的挺到位但是没啥太大的惊喜感觉就是为了冲奥斯卡量身定做奥斯卡喜欢的它都有如果不提名最佳影片至少也能提名一个最佳音效剪辑之类的关于自我接受的一个过程男主人公的疾病还是在于mental health严重的panic焦虑和抑郁随处可见但是他最后就这么好了鹤田かな也是挺理想化的我也希望我的病就这么好了……
情思追梦: first 30 minutes was… fine, and it was quite an experience watching housework while doing housework, but then as the minutes dragged on I felt a quiet desperation, the sense that there was another 3 hours, that it would never end, that for her who lived perpetually in the movie this mundane, circular, and profound boredom would never end